
Modern trucks and trailers

A well-functioning fleet is indispensable to offer our customers the best possible service.  HB Bulktransport bv drives high-quality, modern trucks and trailers. All vehicles are equipped with a track & trace tracking system and with all the means necessary to carry out the specialist transport perfectly. 

To keep our means of transport in top condition, we have our own workshop and service bus.
The fleet consists of tipper bulk trailers, bulk trailers with special dryers, underloaders, cabinet trailers, a bulk trailer with compartments (varying to 7 compartments), a suction trailer, a weighing trailer and a railcar with trailer.

Our professional and well-trained team is able to answer all issues related to the transport of foodstuffs. The planning and the drivers are essential and are an indispensable link for us.

Visiting address:

HB Bulktransport bv

Nijverheidsweg 1, 6691 EZ Gendt
+31 48-142 33 39


design en realisatie: dehoopenkoning.nl